An Open Letter to the Last Hour of work.

Kinja'd!!! "CAR_IS_MI" (car-is-mi)
01/20/2014 at 19:04 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 17

Dear Last Hour of Work,

Fuck off.

Seriously, you are the worst hour of the day.


Everyone Everywhere.


Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:09



At least on the days when I know when the last hour is. I hate when you think you're done only to go home and see an email that draws you back in...

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 19:11


I used to do this with a number of jobs where I held fairly high ranking positions. Now I am in a low level job where 5 o clock means I dont have to care what happens at work until 8 am the next day! Its awesome but it also kinda sucks.

Kinja'd!!! Bad Idea Hat > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:13


Do what I do. Save one hour of work, that you know will take an hour and no more, and do that work in your last hour. It makes time go by so quick, and usually you get the work done faster and more efficiently.

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Bad Idea Hat
01/20/2014 at 19:14


I barely do an hour of work a day, and its all tech support crap that gets done as the call comes in.

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:18


There is nothing I want more in life than to be done at 5PM and not work weekends. But I'm #2 at a company that's small and trying to transition to medium size so it's not going to happen anytime soon.

Sometimes I seriously think about giving it all up and getting a different job.

As the movie Office Space proved working sucks. No matter what your job is it bugs you. But we need money so we can't just do nothing!

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 19:23


I was number 2 at my last job, I was also a small company trying to make it go medium, I was also under the impression that number 1 had the same thought process, until one day I found out #1 was skimming the top before it hit the books and trying to tell me we had no money. I left him high and dry and took the first job I could find that would pay my bills.

My next step is to start at #1 and do my own thing. Which, thanks to some powerful friends, may be sooner than later.

Good luck with your thing though, hopefully your #1 isn't corrupt lying bastard.

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:26


Oh man that sucks!!! I can't believe people would do stuff like that.

I'm lucky my #1 isn't corrupt and deceitful. We have our disagreements but now I feel better knowing it could be much, much worse!

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 19:30


He was the owner and had some pretty rough debts to pay (personal debts) so he could technically pay himself whatever he wanted (morality aside), but yea, he learned the hard way, once I left, other key employees started to see what was going on, and now he is in a very rough spot.

Sometimes it sucks working late hours, long days (and nights), weekends, and what have you, but it is also very rewarding, and honestly, after going to this low(ish) paying, no stress, boring ass job, I would much rather have the long days and weekends (with the idea that my hard work will eventually pay off enough to have the right people in the right places so I no longer have to work the late nights and weekends).

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:42


Hopefully he learned his lesson. You can only f people over for so long. Eventually it comes back to bite you.

I wish you luck in the new endeavor that you're planning. Hopefully it will be a success and you'll be able to balance your work and personal life. I'll let you know if I'm ever able to pull the work/life balance off, haha

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 19:52


Youll get their one day. Just make sure you plan to work for that goal.

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 19:55



It is important to have goals. Here are mine, in order of which ones I want to get done first:

1. Obtain exotic mid engine car
2. Get married
3. Obtain work/life balance

I know #3 should be #2 cause that would be better. But I dunno how long #3 will take and I don't want to wait until I'm 45 to get married, haha

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 20:00


Sounds like you got your priorities straight. A good work / life balance is important, but more so once you have a wife / kids. Get the hard work out of the way while your younger and single and it will pay off in the end.

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 20:02


I'm glad I don't seem crazy!

And you probably guessed why #1 has to come first. Cause I know the wife would say no to it if I tried to buy it after getting married ;)

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 21:12


Just make sure you pick the right one so she doesn't say "its gotta go" afterwards!

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 21:20


That one's easy. I will require a pre-nup that says she can't force me to sell it :)

Kinja'd!!! CAR_IS_MI > Manuél Ferrari
01/20/2014 at 21:32


I like the way you think

Kinja'd!!! Manuél Ferrari > CAR_IS_MI
01/20/2014 at 21:42


Thanks ;)

I realized something though right after I sent you that idea. Legal documents don't matter. Cause wives can just withhold sex to get their husbands to do what they want.

So you were right. Best thing to do is meet the right girl who won't make me sell the car. Best thing to do is marry a girl who is also a gear head.

Hmm. Maybe I should stop dating the girl I'm dating now and try to meet girls at those tuned supercar shows, haha